GFBB in Brief

Grupo Financiero BBVA México (GFBB) is a private financial institution, leader in Mexico. It offers a wide array of financial products and services. Its main activity is performed through BBVA Mexico (the Bank); which is the leader banking subsidiary in Mexico in terms of deposits, loans, ATMs and branches.

GFBB Financial Information
Dec 23 Dec 24
Performing Loans (million pesos) 1,650,960 1,912,501
Total Deposits (million pesos) 2,494,452 2,821,994
Net income (million pesos) 100,246 107,422
Employees 45,936 47,544
Branches 1,706 1,691
ATMs 14,500 14,439

GFBB is a subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), one of the leading financial groups in Europe and considered one of the largest in the Euro Zone. BBVA is a financial group with a high solvency and profitability. It has presence in 25 countries, highlighting its commitment to the Latin American region where it forms the leading financial franchise.

BBVA Group Relevant information
Dec 23 Dec 24
Employees 121,486 125,916
Branches 5,949 5,749


GFBB also plays a significant role in the non-banking financial services market with leading businesses in the insurance, pension, asset management, remittance transfers and mutual funds segments.

BBVA Seguros México
Dec 23 Dec 24
Net Income (million pesos) 9,640 11,177

BBVA Pensiones México
Dec 23 Dec 24
Net Income (million pesos) 1,517 1,474

BBVA Seguros Salud México
Dec 23 Dec 24
Net Income (million pesos) 218 122

Casa de Bolsa BBVA México
Dec 23 Dec 24
Net Income (million pesos) 702 866

BBVA Asset Management México
Dec 23 Dec 24
Net Income (million pesos) 425 567