
Note: The ratings can be revised, suspended or withdrawn by the rating agency in any moment.

Standard and Poor’s
Long Term Short Term Prospect
Issuer Credit Rating - Foreign BBB A-2 Stable
Issuer Credit Rating - Local Currency BBB A-2 Stable
National Scale mxAAA mxA-1+ Stable
Stand Alone Credit Profile (SACP) bbb+

Long Term Short Term Prospect
Bank Deposits - Foreign Currency A3 P-2 Negative
Bank Deposits - Domestic Currency. A3 P-2 Negative
National Scale Rating Bank. AAA.mx ML A-1.mx Stable
Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA / ABCA) baa2 / baa1

Long Term Short Term Prospect
Issuer Default Rating - Foreign Currency BBB F2 Positive
Issuer Default Rating - Local CurrencyCurrency BBB F2 Positive
National Scale Rating AAA(mex) F1 + (mex) Stable
Viability Rating (VR ) bbb